Plot:Widower Hemant Rastogi lives in scenic Mahabaleshwar, seemingly alone. One night he has a heart attack and passes away. When the Police search his residence, they find a young man in the basement of the house, a man whose eyes are very sensitive to any kind of light, whose name is Tejas, the only son of Hemant, who has been sheltered, and has never stepped out. The Police ask Purva Rana of P.R. Institute, that rehabilitates young men who have taken to crime, to look after Tejas, whose life has been influenced by books that his dad provided for him. Tejas proves that he has power of mind over matter, and thus proves to be a misfit in the institute, resulting in the near fatal accident of a security guard, Singh, and the death of a fellow student, John. But Tejas redeems himself in the eyes of Purva's wealthy dad, Pushkar, when he is able to wake his wife, Gayetri Rana from a coma-like condition. It looks like Tejas has wormed his way into the Rana household, but this is short lived as a number of doctors are curious and would to carry out some experiments on him.
Friday, 24 December 2010
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